Home Efficiency Rebate (HER)

What qualifies

This is a performance-based rebate for home improvements that result in 15% or more energy savings. The value of the rebate varies by the amount of energy savings.

Incentive value:

  • Up to $2,000 per household or 50% of project costs for 20-34% modeled energy savings.
  • Up to $4,000 per household or 50% of project costs for 35%+ modeled energy savings.
  • Up to $2,000 per kWh up to 20% reduction or 50% of project costs for 15%+ measured energy savings.
  • Up to $8,000 or up to 80% of project costs, for low-income households (less than 80% Area Median Income)

This can be used with other federal incentives depending on the project to lower costs even more. See if your project also qualifies for the Residential Clean Energy Credit 25D, Energy Efficient Home Improvement Credit 25C, and Home Electrification and Appliance Rebate.

Who is eligible

Homeowners and renters

When the credit is available

The credit is implemented by the State of Arizona, and they are aiming to start issuing rebates in 2024 through September 30, 2031.

How to apply for rebate

Visit the Efficiency Arizona website.

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