
Maren Mahoney

Maren Mahoney

Director, Office of Resiliency
Blaise Caudill

Blaise Caudill

Deputy Director of Resiliency
Julie Cruz

Julie Cruz

Transportation Policy Advisor
Patrick Adams Portrait

Patrick Adams

Sr. Advisor for Water Policy
A portrait of Will Greene.

Will Greene

Land Use Policy Advisor
A portrait of Gabriel Sanchez-Munoz.

Gabriel Sanchez Muñoz

Energy Grants Program Manager
A portrait of Ken Owens Jr. in a suit with alternating American and Arizonan flags in the background.

Ken Owens, Jr.

Energy Rebate Program Manager
Jason O'Leary posing in front of alternating American and Arizonan flags.

Jason O’Leary, Ph.D.

Project Manager
A portrait of Adrianna Amato.

Adrianna Amato

Communications Specialist
A portrait of Sheril Steinberg.

Sheril Steinberg

Community Outreach Coordinator
A portrait of Andrew Jones in a dark blue suit with a light yellow tie standing sideways looking at the camera.

Andrew Jones, Ph.D.

Clean Energy Innovator Fellow
Ann D'Amico posing in front of alternating American and Arizonan flags.

Ann D'Amico

Executive Assistant